Sunday, 30 September 2012

Place and Being at Photofusion in London 2013 / Lugar y Ser a presentarse en la Galería de Photofusion en 2013

We are very happy to announce that Place and Being : A Photographic Dialogue Between Two cultures will be presented at Photofusion's gallery in Brixton, London in 2013. We will keep you posted with any future developments. In the mean time please visit their website to find out more information about current and future exhibitions.


Tenemos el agrado de informarles que la muestra Lugar y Ser: Dialogo Fotográfico Entre Dos Culturas se presentará en la galería de Photofusion en Brixton, Londres a finales del 2013. Por lo pronto, les mantendremos informados acerca del desarrollo del proyecto. Entre tanto, si quieren saber mas acerca del programa de exhibiciones de Photofusion por favor no duden en visitar la pagina.

Pablo López Luz presents a special edition book by Editorial RM at Paris Photo 2012 / Pablo López Luz presenta edición especial de su libro en Paris Photo 2012


Mexican photographer Pablo Lopez Luz who will take part in the exhibition Place and Being next year in London, will present his latest published book by Editorial RM at Paris Photo next month. To view more of his work please visit


El fotógrafo mexicano Pablo López Luz quien participará en la muestra Lugar y Ser el proximo año en Londres, presentará su última publicación por Editorial RM en Paris Photo el mes entrante. Para ver mas acerca de su obra porfavor dale click a

Adam Wiseman new book release - Area Conurbada / Adam Wiseman publica -Area Conurbada

We are happy to announce that Mexican Photographer Adam Wiseman recently published Area Conurbada (Suburban Area) to be presenting at the end of next year in London during the exhibition Place and Being.

To view more of his work please visit his website at,


Estamos contentos en anunciarles que el fotógrafo mexicano, Adam Wiseman recientemente publicó el proyecto Área Conurbada, mismo que será parte de la muestra Lugar y Ser a presentarse en Londres a finales del próximo año.

Aquí el link a su pagina Web para ver mas acerca de su obra,

All images © Adam Wiseman 2012

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Place and Being at Instituto Cervantes in Manchester / Lugar y Ser en el Instituto Cervantes de Manchester

Just to remind you that Redeye: The photography Network in conjunction with the Instituto Cervantes in Manchester have invited Centrepoint Collective to talk about the project Place and Being:  A Dialogue Between Two Cultures, to take place in the UK in 2013. 

The talk will take place next week on the 19th of September between 19:00 - 21:00 at the Instituto Cervantes (326-330 Deansgate, Campfield Avenue Arcade, Manchester, M3 4FN, United Kingdom).

For more information you can visit and


Solo para recordarles que Redeye: The Photography Network en colaboración con el Instituto Cervantes de Manchester han invitado a Centrepoint Collective a platicar del proyecto Lugar y Ser: Dialogo Fotográfico Entre Dos Culturas, a llevarse a cabo en el Reino Unido en el 2013.

La platica tendrá lugar el próximo 19 de Septiembre de 7:00 a 9:00 p.m. en el Instituto Cervantes de Manchester (326-330 Deansgate, Campfield Avenue Arcade, Manchester, M3 4FN, United Kingdom).

Para mas información favor de consultar las siguientes páginas: y